The days are beginning to cool at last! With nights coming in earlier and earlier, we’re at work on getting our cool vegetables ready for the coming drop in temperatures. Pumpkins will soon start and we cannot wait to see our patch filled with the earthly colored squash. Meanwhile, we have plenty of leafy greens to start enjoying warm salads and it’s time to finally get back in the kitchen to bake some bread! Oh, the lovely smell of fresh baked bread, with delicious butter and cups of coffee and tea for breakfast.
Soon enough all those last berries and fruits will be cooked into preserves and compotes, filling our home with the sweet, luxuriant scent of the past summer. It’s one of our favorite times, with me stirring in the kitchen while the click and tap of keys on the keyboard as Alex works on his next novel (I’ll join him in writing after everything gets to bubbling). The leaves will start to turn toward the end of the month, and we’ll have some garden cleaning to do. We look forward to the drying of herbs, and the coming joy of corn mazes, apple pickings and pumpkin carving. But for now, the nights are enjoyed on the porch swing, drinking bourbon-laced cocktails, watching the night sky and the girls lazily skip and play with the fading fireflies.