With spring arriving, it’s a wonderful time to wrap up and head outside to enjoy a good read. Finally the warmth is creeping in, and the sun is getting through the murky clouds. Though rain showers will be imminent, at least the steady sound of it falling can now be heard, the windows opened to the hushed lullaby of the pitter-patter it makes on the leaves. Perfect reading weather in my opinion.

Weirdo by Cathi Unsworth
I’m not sure how we came to own this book, but my husband read it and insisted I read it asap. So, It’s first up on my reading list for the month. A thriller set in a small town in Ireland, with witchcraft and two different time periods. I’m interested in how this one is going to turn out, and excited for the creepy elements!

Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James
Normally I wouldn’t read a book in the same genre as the one I am writing, but this one sounds, a) really awesome and b) in a completely different setting. I’m highly intrigued to learn more about African Folklore, as I know next to nothing and am overly fond of folktales from all other countries. I simply haven’t gotten around to Africa yet. This will be a great starter to get me intrigued and learn some of the amazing tales from this culture.

Nos4A2 by Joe Hill
This is a book on loan from a friend, so I’ll definitely have to read it as quickly as possible. Also, the show is coming out soon and I don’t want anything ruined. I’m looking forward to taking in another Joe Hill novel, as I’ve only consumed two so far. I really like his work, and I’ve heard this one does not disappoint.
As mentioned in the title of this month’s theme, I also have a book to beta read for a fellow indie author. This means I get to read the book before it comes out, and offer some feedback, which is different from being a ARC reviewer. Though I’d be happy to leave a review for this beta read as well!
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