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Writer's picturecharlottelzang

January Reading List : History, Secrets and Piracy

January brings a fresh start. Long dark nights, are silenced by the snow covered ground, and fires are constantly crackling in the hearth. While this month is another four books long, I also have some beta reading to do for fellow indie authors, as well as diving into at least one indie author book a month. That’s a goal I hope to keep, so January is about to get really busy, but filled with grand, sprawling stories, seeped in rich history and filled with secrets. I hope to find inspiration from all of them as the New Year kicks off!

Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

I have had this book on my ‘to read’ shelf for a rather long time, and given that I got another piracy book for Christmas, it seems the perfect time to dust it off and charge into that swashbuckling adventure. Looking forward to the female pirate, a classic adventurer I’ve always imagined being.

The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee

Finding the first book in this series to be far more charming than I was expecting, I was super excited to learn that there would be another tale of the misfit gang. This was one of my Christmas book haul, and I’m super excited to plunge back into this story, having fallen in love with the characters. More pirates, yo ho!

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Finally the last of the Illuminae Trilogy is in my hands! These books are truly unique, fun, scary, romantic science fictional tales. The way they are told, by data logs and messaging boards, or secret files, is astounding not only visually, but for the imagination. I can’t wait to see how deep the secrets run in this finale, and see all the characters come out of this epic catastrophe.

Thirteen Years Later by Jasper Kent

Being a sucker for vampire novels, I thought it was high time I got back into reading one of the more unique vampire tales. This quintet is historically rich, detailed to the point where I can feel myself in the dire predicaments. Heart racing, anxiety building, the tension of the first book, Twelve, was filled with great horror and luxury. I’m excited to see what comes next!

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