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February Reading List : Love, and Detectives We Love

February! The shortest month and the one filled with hearts, candy and valentines. While winter carries on being cold, and more snow falls, while nights descend early and last long, it’s the perfect month to indulge in romance and dark detectives. Mystery feels all the more real when read by the fire, or with candlelight. Romance is perfect for all the snuggling that still needs to be done, while the wind blows cold, whistling through bare branches outside. Being a short month, this list is a bit shorter than other months, but the stories will be filled with plenty to keep me entertained.

The Guards by Ken Bruen

My husband and I have decided to exchange detectives; he’ll be reading a series of my favorite detective (one I also plan on re-reading starting this month) and I’m going to read one of his. So, Jack Taylor, I’m excited to meet you at last! (If I get through more than one, that’d be the optimal plan, so here’s hoping!)

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

It’s been a while since I first discovered this series and I just adore it so much. But, unfortunately never taken the time to revisit it over the years. Ashamedly, I’ve also not read the very last (so far). Being as it has been such a long time since I read them last, I’d like to start from the beginning.

Marnie’s Plan by J.M. Davies

My Indie read of the month! IT is the month of love, so I’d best read at least one sweet, charming romance. This book has been on my kindle for a few months now, and I figure this is the perfect time to dive into it. The premise sounds cute, very Jane Eyre-ish, but completely modernized. I like that one of the characters is a writer himself, so I’m really looking forward to reading this one!

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