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December Reading List : Adventure, Whimsy and Angels

reading, list, read, charlotte zang, books

December means snow days and long times caught indoors. The time for snuggling and reading by fire or candlelight is tantamount and cabin fever may take a hold of the mind. Snow billows and builds along the doorframes, the cold creeps under cracks and whistles the perfect tune of background noise while fire crackles and cinnamon molasses cookies fill the house with warmth. My reading list for the month is another four long, all of them filled with adventure and whimsy, and one adds angels to that list. The classic holiday reads for me.

The Gentleman by Forrest Leo

This was a surprise find off the shelves of a local bookshop, a plot that tickles my fancy as I love deals with the devil and I love that he is referred to as ‘The Gentleman’. Given my rendition of Satan in my first book, I’m excited to see how this book plays out, it too seems filled with some wit and adventure. Going into this completely blind, and loving that.

The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

This book has been on so many recommended lists, and I had the pleasure of finding it recently in a secondhand bookshop. It has water damaged edges, and curled corners and will be a fantastical trip into the atmosphere of sci-fi, all while maintaining the theme. I love science fiction books, and it is the perfect, dark time of the year to read them!

The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder

Steampunk just suits the wintery scheme to me. I’ve had this book on my TBR shelf for I can’t even say how long; it’s far too embarrassing. It has adventure, seems fun and filled with horrific creatures and an alternate history. I adore alternate histories, so this should be great to take my mind off the current state of things at this lovely time of year.

The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore

I have read this book twice before, and both times around the holidays. It has become a go to book for me to read, to lighten my heart, to induce a few laughs and to remind me to be silly. I love Moore’s work, and this book brings together a handful of characters from all of his books, which makes it all the better if you’ve read his other stuff. Also, this book is key to me getting into the witty, whimsical vibe as I embark on the second draft of the sequel to my first book, a paranormal romantic comedy.

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